Monday, February 04, 2008

Capricorn Sun/ Taurus Moon Money Candles

The latest collection of money candle to attract wealth, were hand poured on Thursday, January 17, 2008. On this day we had the Sun in Capricorn, the cardinal Earth sign excellent for starting a new business or perfecting existing business plans.
The Moon was waxing to full in Taurus, the fixed Earth sign that benefits the accumulation of possessions, land, and the perfection of wealth. As you may already know, the waxing Moon is best used for attracting things into our lives. When pouring candles during a waxing Earth Moon, it is reasonable that our efforts to attract material possessions will therefore be more likely to succeed.
I always pour candles to attract money, wealth, and material possession in double Earth energy... (both Sun & Moon in Earth signs.) On January 17, 2008 Jim Shawvan, noted astrologer whose opportunity periods are listed in 2008 Daily Planetary Guide (Llewellyn's Daily Planetary Guide), notes an Opportunity Period "After Moon squares Neptune until Moon enters Gemini. Good for making practical decisions and productive work.", so of course, I poured during this time and left the canldes to cool during the Moon Taurus trine Sun Capricorn aspect at 9:05 PM Eastern.
In Tibetan Astrology, January 17 offered a "Desire" conjunction with elements in Wind/Fire combination. Now.. please know that I only a reporting the aspects, and in no way representing myself as anything other than a stumbling student of this great mystic tradition.
That said, a Desire conjunction indicates fullfillment of vows, desires and ideas. The Fire/Wind elemental combination is "the third of the favorable combinations. The energy of this day encourages the gathering of vitality and strength for auspicious engagements." To purchase, please click the title of this post.
Thank you for your time & attention.

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