Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Money Candles | Hand Poured in the Earth Signs | 1/14/11

The new collection of Money candles was poured on January 14, 2011 with the Sun in the cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn and the Waxing Moon in the fixed Earth sign of Taurus.

The ephemeris included on the back of the label gives even more information about the auspicious planetary aspects of this pour.  These are natural wax pillar candles, hand poured in full attention in sacred space to be of greatest benefit to you as you train your mind to attract wealth, abundance and prosperity in the form of Money.

Here are a few notes on the importance of the planetary aspects of the pour: Earth signs are generating, magnetic and attractive signs traditionally associated with vital material concerns. Cardinal signs are those that initiate the seasons and thus candles poured with the energetic blessing of cardinal signs are generally thought of as useful for initiating change.

When it comes to breaking negative though patterns about wealth, money, abundance and success,  Capricorn energy is very useful.  Fixed signs offer perfecting and finishing energy, thus the energy of the sign of Taurus is fortunate to "capture" in a pouring to help one keep to the task of reframing thought.

It is important to remember that ritual candles are tools to empower you to manifest money. The candle is an aid, a very carefully crafted tool to help you reach your goal. Each candle comes labeled with the date and time of pour, instructions for use, and an affirmation written specifically to help you become one with true abundance.

People will sometimes ask if these candles work. My best reply is that if you use them as directed, then you will experience benefit. The best use is to light daily, repeating the enclosed affirmation a minimum of then times, closing the meditation, and returning to this practice daily until the candle is consumed.

All candles from Ann George Studios, Inc. are scented with fine quality fragrance oils that are traditional in European mysticism for attracting money. The fragrances are earth energy scents and are carefully combined to create both a pleasant and an effective fragrance.

Candles are $30 each with free shipping by Priority Mail in the USA. To order visit The Ritual Candle Store.

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